Szkolenie (stacjonarne) Methods of Solving Conflicts in Workplace Situations

#zarządzanie konfliktem

The art of resolving conflicts. Conflict management.

Korzyści ze szkolenia

  • Mastering the OAPA cycle as a tool for solving difficult situations.
  • Developing indicators allowing to quickly NOTICE A CONFLICT SITUATION. 
  • Improving skills for IDENTIFYING REASONS of difficult situations.
  • Mastering skills for dealing with difficult situations - PLANNING AND IMPLEMENTING OF ACTIONS aimed at changing. 
  • Developing a MODEL for solving difficult situations. 
  • SELF-DIAGNOSIS of participants' own difficult situations solving skills and developing an individual method of using new skills.
  • 2025-01-23 2025-01-24 23 - 24 stycznia 2025, ON-LINE

Program szkolenia Methods of Solving Conflicts in Workplace Situations

  1. A bit of theory:
    • Types of conflicts
    • Solving conflicts attitude models 
    • Factors determining the course of a conflict 
    • Our interpersonal conflicts 
    •  A map of situations which are difficult to analyse and of developing solutions (materials based on the participants' experience)
    • The OAPA cycle as a tool for managing difficult situations: observe - analyse - plan - act - the "rope" exercise.
  2. Recognizing conflicts:
    • Results of failing to recognize and failing to act.
    • How to recognize - "behavioural indicators of a conflict situation - a case study".
    • Determining a personal style of solving a crisis and conflict - "4 styles of solving" exercise.
    • Observation of the situation and no judging as a basis for seeking solutions.
  3. Analysis of a situation, i.e. seeking the source of a difficult situation:
    • Identifying "success factors" and "failure factors" in conflict situation analysis.
    • Recognizing the needs of persons involved in a crisis and conflict - an analysis based on people's interests - an exercise: "TAO of the conflict"
  4. Planning of actions - effective ways of solving conflicts - an exercise.
    • Determining the purpose of actions.
    • Defining the problem to be solved. "What to do to...". 
    • BATNA of solutions to a difficult situation.
    • Providing feedback on the problem.
    • Discussion on causes and methods for solving the problem with the parties involved.
  5. Conflict resolution model - "company's tip..." exercise:
    • Phase I - entry.
    • Phase II - identifying interests and needs of the parties.
    • Phase III - identifying the source.
    • Phase IV - searching for solutions. 
    • Phase V - reaching an understanding. 
  6. Summary of the entire training.


Metody szkoleniowe

Szkolenie stacjonarne

  • 2 dni szkolenia (16 godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring
  • lunch (restauracja)
  • serwis kawowy premium


1890 zł


Szkolenie zawiera

  • 0 dzień szkolenia ( godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat (pdf)
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring




  • drugi uczestnik - 10%, trzeci uczestnik - 15%
  • więcej - porozmawiajmy

Terminy szkolenia

  • 23 - 24 stycznia 2025 ON-LINE




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