Szkolenie (stacjonarne / online) Effective communication in business

How to build beneficial relations in business? Interpersonal communication.

Korzyści ze szkolenia

  • You will: know the principles for effective communication in business relations,
  • Diagnose your own communication style, 
  • Become aware of the importance of a goal in communication and task implementation,
  • Verify strengths and weaknesses of your skills,
  • Eliminate most common mistakes in communication.
  • 2025-07-17 2025-07-18 17 - 18 lipca 2025, Warszawa

Program szkolenia Effective communication in business

  1. Introduction to the training:
    • What happens when communication fails?
    • Factors affecting the effects of a communication process.
    • PROJECTOR and a questionnaire: my communication style,
    • What is it like, where are we heading to?
  2. Barriers in the information exchange process and ways for overcoming them:
    • Our internal barriers,
    • Barriers inside organisations.
  3. Goal awareness in communication and its meaning in task implementation:
    • Developing a communication standard: "Observe - analyse - plan - act",
    • Goals of an organisation and personal goals in communication,
    • Informing about a goal, and the impact on the work of co-workers, 
    • A comprehensive insight into a communication process - from the first sender to the last recipient,
    • A HIDDEN TIP in communication.
  4. Responsibility in communication:
    • "Care" techniques in communication - an exercise: "Persuade me",
    • Clarification of information - phrasing of question - the principle of a "funnel" in obtaining information, 
    • A positive message of information - creating an impression - an exercise,
    • Questions (encumbered with a failure criterion ≠ success criterion), 
    • Information and interpretation in communication,
    • Mindfulness and flexibility in communication,
    • "Your thinking is reflected in your words" - pro-active and reactive messages,
    • "RESPONSIBILITY for results" indicators in communication.
  5. Practical techniques for improving effectiveness in communication:
    • Adjusting techniques to the communication goal, 
    • Adjusting personal communication style to the interlocutor, 
    • Von Thun's communication model and identifying personal way of receiving information, 
    • Communicating personal views and opinions, 
    • Direct or indirect communication, 
    • Provoking interest and signals of listening in a conversation - an exercise: "Interesting sender - mindful recipient",
    • Counteracting information filtering in line with the principle "the obvious obviousness",
    • You can learn diplomacy.
  6. Non-verbal communication - postures and gestures: 
    • First, second and third impressions,
    • Consistency of messages, 
    • Reflecting and interpreting of non-verbal signals,
    • The unspoken...
    • Status games, and how to use them in interpersonal communication.
  7. Good conversations:
    • A good conversation model,
    • A model of a conversation about a problem, confrontation and deepening,
    • Conversation variants, a case study.
  8. Good communication practices - developing principles for effective communication with both the internal and external client.
  9. Let's play in communication - the GALIMATIAS ("Hodgepodge") game.

Metody szkoleniowe

Szkolenie stacjonarne

  • 2 dni szkolenia (16 godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring
  • lunch (restauracja)
  • serwis kawowy premium


2490 zł


Szkolenie online zawiera

  • 2 dni szkolenia (16 godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat (pdf)
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring


2190 zł



  • drugi uczestnik - 10%, trzeci uczestnik - 15%
  • więcej - porozmawiajmy

Terminy szkolenia

  • 17 - 18 lipca 2025 Warszawa




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