Szkolenie (stacjonarne / online) Recruitment and selection behavioral interviewing advanced tools PREMIUM

How to hire the best candidates?

Korzyści ze szkolenia

Training participant:

  • will learn to professionally plan the recruitment and selection process;
  • will learn how to create job descriptions, candidate profiles and recruitment advertisements;
  • will learn to prepare and conduct an effective job interview;
  • will acquire the ability to construct behavioral questions examining specific competencies;
  • will learn how to use modern selection techniques;
  • will significantly increase the accuracy of recruitment and selection decisions;
  • learn about the latest trends in recruitment.
  • 2025-12-04 2025-12-05 04 - 05 grudnia 2025, ON-LINE

Program szkolenia Recruitment and selection behavioral interviewing advanced tools PREMIUM

Latest trends in recruitment and selection - Polish and international practices:

recruitment yesterday and today - specific conditions of modern recruitment;

modern tools in the form of tests, job samples, simple online recruitment games - market overview;

ads are going away - time for recruitment viral, scouting and inbound marketing;

building candidate engagement in the online recruitment process.

Selecting candidate sourcing:

“fishing for people” in search of candidates for ‘difficult’ positions (e.g., people with authorization to operate various equipment, IT specialists, specialists in narrow fields, etc.);

social media, industry portals, local sources for sourcing candidates from home and abroad;

who we recruit - recommendations for recruiting and selecting employees of the BB, X, Y and Z generations;

the cross-cultural aspect of recruitment and neurodiversity - answers to dilemmas.

Development of step-by-step recruitment and selection tools:

can we examine everything? - Principles of criteria selection for accurate candidate selection;

the most accurate selection methods a guarantee of success in the recruiter's work;

selection of the type of questions and simulations based on the candidate's profile - selection matrix and triangulation of methods;

the optimal recruitment funnel - relevance and economy for different recruitment processes.

Preselection of candidates - saving time and money:

McCllelland's theory in the competency perspective - excellent support in the analysis of application documents;

competency information obtained through the various assessment methods (resume and cover letter analysis, interview, simulations, references, tests and surveys);

telerecruitment - the most important guidelines in the process of contacting and interviewing candidates online;

what is a short-list and what criteria should it meet?

operating the language of business when recommending candidates to decision-makers.

Optimal pattern of the recruitment interview - the new standard:

“Human first”. - minimizing isolation and building the right atmosphere;

presenting the company, team and position as part of building a positive candidate experience (CEx) and communicating company values;

weak and strong interview questions - how to save time and increase relevance;

let the candidate shine - the structure of the behavioral interview in the STAR model;

strong questions about motivation and priorities - skillful exploration of candidate attitudes;

properly closing the interview and answering difficult questions from candidates.

Behavioral interviewing - STAR-based competency testing in practice:

critical events method as a foundation for applying the STAR technique;

construction of a question referring episodically to the beginning of STAR;

training in the ability to ask questions using the STAR technique with in-depth questions;

how to diagnose development potential at different stages of the process?

the art of deepening statements and diagnosing true competencies;

inferring competencies based on candidates' answers;

training in defense against communication tricks used by candidates.

Legal aspects of the recruitment process:

truths and myths - “what am I allowed, what am I not allowed?”- legal requirements and formal regulations on the recruitment process;

discrimination and the Labor Law Code. Consequences of improper process;

why is it forbidden to ask about the reasons for parting with a previous employer? - These and other surprising illegal and borderline questions.

Building a positive Candidate Experience and feedback:

providing “YES” and “NO” feedback;

“the black well of silence” and employer image. The role and function of candidate feedback;

written and telephone forms of negative feedback, examples, analysis;

e-recruitment thank-you notes as a form of building relationships with candidates in the labor market.


The classes are conducted in the form of skills training. We propose engaging forms of conducting classes for participants:


work based on examples of proven solutions from the market, taking into account the size of the company and the specifics of the industry;

simulations to practice the learned tools and techniques;

case studies to analyze and solve difficult situations;

mini lectures to impart theoretical knowledge of the issues discussed; supplement and organize the knowledge possessed;

discussions to exchange experiences and solve specific dilemmas at work.


Metody szkoleniowe

Szkolenie stacjonarne

  • 2 dni szkolenia (16 godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring
  • lunch (restauracja)
  • serwis kawowy premium


2990 zł


Szkolenie online zawiera

  • 1.75 dni szkolenia (14 godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat (pdf)
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring


2690 zł



  • drugi uczestnik - 10%, trzeci uczestnik - 15%
  • więcej - porozmawiajmy

Terminy szkolenia

  • 04 - 05 grudnia 2025 ON-LINE




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