Szkolenie (stacjonarne) Manager Academy

#akademia menadżera

From Me to You and Us. How to effectively and efficiently lead people?

Korzyści ze szkolenia

The whole training process is based on the development of awareness and developing of social skills in the area of people management.
  • 2026-02-05 2026-02-06 05 - 06 lutego 2026, ON-LINE

Program szkolenia Manager Academy

  1. My managerial SELF, that is what college did not taught us about ourselves. Attempt to answer the question: Who am I as a manager? What powers do I have available? What are my managerial behaviors? 
    • Analysis of key leadership skills. 
    • My imagination versus reality in the context of managerial work, what do I know? What I do not know about the work of the manager? 
    •  "The course of change", how to adapt to permanent changes in the business environment.
    • Concern versus execution, and how to deal with it in a multicultural team.
  2. Managerial rhetoric about the art of managerial language in the world of changing generations of workers. The words that encourage, motivate and build a good atmosphere. 
    • The words that encourage, motivate and build a good atmosphere between employees. 
    • Methods of effective interpersonal communication
    • Rational vs. emotional plane in communication. Empathic language. 
  3. Managerial coaching - practical training of coaching techniques in managerial work. How to become a coach of your employees? 
    • How to become a coach your employees? Knowing the techniques of coaching work
    • "Marauders and complainers" how to deal with resistance and difficult employees.
  4. Leaders alphabet the study of leader, my first steps as a manager. How to smoothly go from a good specialist to a team leader? 
    • The transformation into a leader. Myths, ideas and real reality. What awaits me in the new role? My expectations vs. subjective reality expectations. 
    • "Leadership riddles " - basic managerial errors which you should know before you become a manager.
    • "Push or pull" from autocracy of hand to cooperation. How to interact in the face of challenging task?
  5. Interpersonal communication in business - the art of constructive communication, despite individual differences, generational and environmental.
  6.  "Motivating the team, power versus authority" about the methods and techniques of effective motivating people. How to deal with the pressure of the team in difficult situations?
    • Motivation 3.0 
    • "Dead End" - Main managerial errors in motivation.
    • "Important conversations" - how to use the situation of crisis to build commitment?
    • The structure of internal motivation - autonomy, championship, sense. 
    • How to change yourself while changing your people? 
    • " Staff Tuning ", or how to increase the extra effort of staff?
  7. From no to yes. The leader as creator of social capital, about social impact, the negotiations and the art of leading people.
    • Leadership and management, the strength of the effect and impact on people
    • How to build and integrate social relationships in the team while maintaining the integrity and individuality of employee? 
    • Building social capital based on trust and intercultural social norms.
  8. Going international - local vs. global cooperation, that is, methods and ways to build distributed and intercultural teams, based on common values.


Metody szkoleniowe

Szkolenie stacjonarne

  • 2 dni szkolenia (16 godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring
  • lunch (restauracja)
  • serwis kawowy premium


1890 zł


Szkolenie zawiera

  • 0 dzień szkolenia ( godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat (pdf)
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring




  • drugi uczestnik - 10%, trzeci uczestnik - 15%
  • więcej - porozmawiajmy

Terminy szkolenia

  • 05 - 06 lutego 2026 ON-LINE




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