Szkolenie (stacjonarne / online) Assertiveness and communication in business

#asertywność szkolenie

An assertiveness training: how to increase your own effectiveness?

Korzyści ze szkolenia

Benefits of training:

  • You will learn how to express your own opinions in a clear, not aggressive way,
  • You will learn the rules of thinking and talking about your virtues,
  • You will learn to express emotions constructively (to superiors and subordinates, at work and personal life),
  • You will gain the ability to accept criticism and negative evaluations,
  • You will develop the ability to accept compliments,
  • You will learn how to assertively refuse,
  • You will learn to end difficult conversations,
  • You will learn how to recognize symptoms of aggression, submission and what are the consequences of such behavior.
    • do uzgodnienia

Program szkolenia Assertiveness and communication in business

  1. Assertive communication - what is it and what it is not?
  2. Awareness of purpose in communication and performance:
    • Improving communication efficiency in achieving the goal and developing a communication standard: "observation - analysis - planning - action",
    • Information transfer and influence on coworkers work - teamwork.
  3. Identification of individual assertiveness potential.
  4. Building an assertive attitude:
    • Awareness of personal rights and own assets,
    • My assertive internal monologue,
    • Assertive attitude and inner voice of "adult" - elements of transactional analysis.
  5. Constructive dialogue:
    • Reactive listening
    • The four levels of von Thun's statement,
    • Build constructive feedback, FUKO structure - exercise: "alter ego".
  6. Assertive communication:
    • Assertive communication TAO - exercise "convince me"
    • Barriers to communication,
    • Effective questions and funnel principle, 
    • Providing information - case study based learning,
    • The phenomenon of filtering information - exercise "obvious obviousness"
  7. Constructive assertive behavior - case study based learning:
    • Assertive refusal, 
    • Assertive requests and assertive commands,
    • Expressing opinions and beliefs;
    • Expressing criticism,
    • Confrontation of beliefs,
    • The reaction to the direct and "allusive" criticism - "critique" exercise
    • Assertive strategies for dealing with evaluation - "transplantation" exercise
    • Defense of own borders,
    • Defense against verbal attack,
    • Non-verbal communication supporting assertive statement - exercise "2 couples".
  8. Physical assertion: strength point, stabilization, vocal melody.
  9. Assertiveness to the authorities and superiors,
    • Assertiveness towards subordinates,
    • Effective communication with co-workers - principles of positive influence on the partners.
  10. Summary of the whole training:
    • Overview of the issues being trained during the training,
    • "Bridge to the Future" - how can I use new skills in my daily work? - feedback session,
    • Transfer of implementation tasks.

Metody szkoleniowe

Szkolenie stacjonarne

  • 2 dni szkolenia (16 godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring
  • lunch (restauracja)
  • serwis kawowy premium


1890 zł


Szkolenie online zawiera

  • 1.75 dni szkolenia (14 godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat (pdf)
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring


1690 zł



  • drugi uczestnik - 10%, trzeci uczestnik - 15%
  • więcej - porozmawiajmy

Terminy szkolenia

    • do uzgodnienia




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