Szkolenie (stacjonarne) Exerting influence and persuading in business.

#wywieranie wpływu

How to consciously exert influence and increase the power of a message?

Korzyści ze szkolenia

You will:

  • Understand why exerting positive influence on your professional partners without the use of unfair practices is worth the effort,
  • Be able to put effective messages into words and create memorable concepts,
  • Be able to argue effectively and adjust to your interlocutor, 
  • Know manipulation techniques and eristic gimmicks to be able to defend yourself effectively,
  • Learn how to effectively communicate with the so-called difficult partners. 


  • 2025-01-23 2025-01-24 23 - 24 stycznia 2025, ON-LINE

Program szkolenia Exerting influence and persuading in business.

  1. What does exerting influence on our conscious and unconscious sphere involve:
    • Areas and boundaries of exerting influence,
    • Moral dilemmas - how to remain decent and be "influential" in business at the same time,
    • A difference between persuasion and manipulation,
    • How much do you lose by not knowing the tools used by others?
  2. Psychology of social influence:
    • Influencing methods,
    • Psychological principles underlying influence,
    • Myths and facts on subliminal stimuli.
  3. Psychology of attitude change:
    • Elements of an attitude, 
    • Exerting influence on behaviour - social learning, conformism, etc. 
    • Exerting influence on attitudes - the attribution theory, the concept of cognitive dissonance. 
  4. Personal credibility as a predictor of the power of influence:
    • Self-presentation strategies conducive to exerting influence,
    • Building authority for exerting influence.
  5. Using advanced observation and communication skills for exerting influence - social styles matrix:
    • Self-diagnosis with the use of a social style questionnaire
    • Strengths and weaknesses of particular styles
    • Adjusting communication to a particular style and an effective influencing training.
  6. The art of an effective message:
    • How to effectively persuade people to accept your point of view, project, idea?
    • How to arouse emotions and develop concepts that are memorable?
    • How to argue and organize argumentative materials strategically?
    • How to participate in discussions and ask questions..?
    • How courage and self-confidence influence the effectiveness of the message?
  7. Persuasion - what is it, what is it for and when we use it? Persuasion in a direct contact:
    • Building rational and suggestive argumentation, 
    • Using the persuasive message structure, 
    • Using selected figures of speech
    • Techniques for combating concerns.
  8. Manipulation - from identification to defence, what do I need to know about manipulation?
    • Signs of manipulation,
    • Techniques for neutralizing manipulation,
    • Identifying and responding to sophisms,
    • How do we unconsciously manipulate? Is it always a negative phenomenon? How to identify and respond to conscious manipulation? 

Metody szkoleniowe

Szkolenie stacjonarne

  • 2 dni szkolenia (16 godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring
  • lunch (restauracja)
  • serwis kawowy premium


1890 zł


Szkolenie zawiera

  • 0 dzień szkolenia ( godzin )
  • skrypt szkoleniowy
  • materiały dodatkowe
  • certyfikat (pdf)
  • monitorowanie zadań wdrożeniowych
  • 60 dniowy e-mentoring




  • drugi uczestnik - 10%, trzeci uczestnik - 15%
  • więcej - porozmawiajmy

Terminy szkolenia

  • 23 - 24 stycznia 2025 ON-LINE




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